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Cara Isi Paypal Dengan Mudah

Mau rekening paypal kita dibanjiri paypal yang bisa kita dapatkan dengan mudah??
Saya ada info terbaru setelah blogwalking ke blog blog para blogger lain. Alhamdulillah saya mendapatkan program dollar gratis ini. Lumayan kan bisa nambahin tebel dompet kalian.

Program yang satu ini bisa mengisi paypal anda dengan mudah, hanya dengan mengajak teman anda gabung pada program ini anda telah menghasilkan $4 untuk paypal, tidak hanya itu, setiap link referral anda di klik anda bisa mendapatkan dollar sebesar $0.20. Nama programnya adalah untuk deskripsi apa itu simak dibawah ini:

MyLikes is a word-of-mouth advertising platform that allows the long tail of influencers on the web to create endorsements for products and services they like. We are attempting to change the way brand and discovery advertising is done on social media and other places on the web where influencers have a more engaged following, by letting the influencers (who are the ones who understand their audience the best) choose and write endorsements in their voice. By paying the influencers on a cost-per-click basis, we incentivize the influencers to make these endorsements as relevant to their audience as possible.

We are also committed to being very transparent and metrics driven. All influencers have a profile page on MyLikes where they can like anything in the world (even if they are not sponsored). To help them do this, we have a structured database of over 3 million items - books, movies, tv shows, restaurants popular web services and locations. We also calculate and publish an influence score depending on their engagement on other social media websites and their historical performance on MyLikes.

You can read detailed information here (for influencers) and here (for advertisers).

We launched MyLikes publicly on January 6th 2010. We have been covered by the New York Times, San Francisco Chronicle, GigaOM, Venture Beat and other technology blogs, and Business News Network TV - you can read more about what they have to say here.

Lalu bagaimana cara mengajak teman sebanyak-banyaknya? gampang saja tinggal di share di twitter tentang program MyLikes atau di Facebook, bagi blogger mungkin menulis posting seperti ini bisa menjadi alternatif untuk menambah referral sebanyak-banyaknya.

Jadi tunggu apa lagi buruan bergabung dan dapatkan dollar sebanyak-banyaknya. Tertarik untuk bergabung? klik disini untuk JOIN. kapan lagi dapet dollar mudah masuk ke paypal ^_^

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